Publishing with Inklet Press
How it works:
KNOW: We are a hybrid publisher. So, that means, you pay us a small amount and we do most of the work for a portion of the royalties.
SUBMIT: Submit the first chapter and a synopsis to us: (learn more HERE). It is necessary to have completed the writing of all chapters, although they do not need to be fully edited.
AGREE: Every book is different, therefore, every contract is different. Let’s agree on the terms.
CREATE: You either are or becoming an author, so put your author’s website and credentials together and make your book(s) presentable. We are glad you are joining the Inklet Press team.
PUBLISH: We will have your book ready in the timeline that we made together. That means, in soft or hardcover and e-book on Amazon! The book is ready to share and review.
Rejections?! Do not fret. You can still hire us to help in the process of publishing your book on your own. Whether we publish your work or not, we will unlock our price list to you as soon as you submit your synopsis and first chapter under “manuscript”!
After submitting your manuscript and it is approved (Congrats, you are becoming an author!):
We will contact you with an acceptance e-mail.
Create a website for yourself (this can be a one-page landing page. Having an active social media account and professional photo is helpful. Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it.
The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it.
Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now.
Later will take care of itself. It always does.